S-3 Shop's employees are highly-trained, experienced and dedicated to the success of our clients.
Nikki Prodromos
SFC Nikki Prodromos joined the Army in 1995, serving four years as a Military Intelligence Linguist (Spanish). 9/11 prompted her to transfer from the inactive ready reserves to active service. She served as a PAO/broadcast journalist and Armed Forces Network Television NCOIC in Afghanistan (’02-’03) and Iraq (’05-’06, ’10), respectively. Her awards include the Joint Commendation medal, 3 Army Commendation medals, an Army achievement medal, and the combat action badge. She has served overseas in Panama, Korea, and Egypt and stateside at Lackland AFB, Ft. Gillem, Ft. Mcpherson, Ft. Bragg, Ft. Lewis, Ft. Campbell, Camp Atterbury, Camp Shelby, Ft. Hood, Ft. Meade, Ft. Dix, and Ft. McCoy,
Her military training includes: DLI (Spanish), DINFOS (broadcaster, broadcast manager, and instructor/trainer courses), OCT, MRT, ASIST (levels I & II), CPOF, DTMS, COR, CLS & AED, and battle-staff certification. She served as an S-3 NCO and the NCOIC for the 1110th Mobilization Support Battalion from January 2012 until the unit’s deactivation in 2016.
Her civilian education includes a BA in communication and self-management addiction recovery training (SMART) facilitator certification. She is two semesters shy of an MS in performance enhancement psychology. SFC Prodromos is training to become a certified Connected WarriorS, Inc. yoga instructor, volunteers at the USO RP6, is seeking her peer recovery support specialist certification, serves as the veteran service officer for American Legion post 289, and belongs to the Women Veteran’s Network, Disabled American Veterans, and Wounded Warrior Project.
S-3 Program Manager/Secretary
Jill Charpia was born and raised in Iowa. After graduating High School in 1997, she joined the Air Force, serving as an enlisted Guidance and Control Apprentice at Eglin AFB, FL. She applied for, was accepted to, and successfully completed the USAF ROTC program. As an officer, she has served stateside in Hanscom AB and Hurlburt Field. She has served overseas as an officer and civilian contractor. Capt. Charpia deployed to Bagram AB, Afghanistan IN ’03-’04 where she served as the JCC-I/A (Joint Contracting Command Iraq/Afghanistan) Deputy Commander. In 2006, she served as a Lead Acquisition Analyst for the government contracting company, CACI in Baghdad, Iraq. In ’08-’09 she started her own business and returned to Iraq to serve as the Director of her Business Transition Center and services company. From ’09-’11 she wore multiple hats serving as both IMA and civilian. As an IMA she served in the Pentagon as an Action Officer and subsequently served as the Pacific Command IG for Contracting at Anderson AFB, Guam and Hickam AFB, HI. In ’11-’12 she served as a Prime Contract Manager with Fluor in Kabul, Afghanistan. Upon her return, she began a consulting firm that developed proposals for Security companies of all sizes and helped companies navigate the Federal Acquisition System. Her military service ended honorably in 2013.
Her military training includes Contracting and Program Management, various leadership courses (ASBC & SOS), as well as Guidance and Control Apprenticeship.
Her civilian education includes a B.S. in Business Management from the University of West Florida in 2001, a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from the Univerity of Phoenix in 2004, and she is currently pursuing a Doctorate in International Business from Northcentral University to be completed in 2018. She is a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFQ) and the Wounded Warrior Project (WWP).